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Typed Settings for your application

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Typed Settings for your application

Suppose you have an in your application where you define your application settings.

This can contains the following entries:


standalone use

We start defining an interface with the methods to access the properties in the file. Each method needs to be annotated with @javax.annotation.Named annotation, and specify a key of the properties file to access as value.

public interface AppSettings {
    String getHost();
    Integer getPort();

Once we define our interface, we can create a SettingsBuilder object and specify the sources from where we will take the properties.

Optionally we can register some "customs" converters. typed-settings defines some basics converters but you can add your own, just implementing the interface Converter<T> and calling withConverter(...) method in the builder.

final SettingsBuilder builder = SettingsBuilder.create();
builder.addConfiguration(new PropertiesConfiguration(...));

Finally we have to build the Settings object. This object, is basically a factory of proxies. Each call to getSettings(...) method, will create a proxy object that implements the interface that we provide as method argument.

final Settings settings =;
final AppSettings applicationSettings = settings.getSettings(AppSettings.class);

final String host = applicationSettings.getHost();
final Integer port = applicationSettings.getPort();

guice integration